
The benefits of installing a Solar Carport

Thursday 19th March 2020

What is a Solar Carport?

Solar carports are ground-mounted solar panels that are installed above parking areas and they are one of the fastest-growing trends within the solar industry! Any car park can be used, so they can be installed in business parks, grocery stores, airports, park & ride lots, anywhere!

Benefits of Solar Carports

Minimise Energy Expenses
Which leads to significant savings! The electricity generated can be used by the business providing the land, and then the excess can be stored or sold back to the National Grid. Electricity is susceptible to rate increases, and a solar carport can help hedge against rising utility costs by lowering energy bills and making them more predictable.

Carbon Footprint Reduction
By installing a solar carport your business can have sustainable operations that benefit the environment and therefore the community. The electricity generated can also be channelled to providing charging ports for electric vehicles. A company that sets sustainability as a priority within its business model creates an environment of high engagement and morale in its employees. Also, consumers tend to favour companies that are committed to sustainability.

Efficient Use of Space
To put in a carport, no additional space is required, instead, an already existing space (very often under-utilised) is being adapted to maximise efficiency and increase comfort for the workforce, customers, and visitors. A carport keeps a vehicle shaded in summer and protected from snow through the winter, in fact by providing shade, ensuring a car doesn't overheat in the summer months can actually improve the car owner's fuel economy.

Reduced Waste
The need for concrete foundations can be eliminated. When considering installing a concrete foundation a large area needs to be excavated in order to pour the necessary foundation works. The waste generated all needs to be transported away from the site at cost to both the installer and the environment. Spirafix Ground Anchors overcomes this challenge by simply installing their unique ground anchors into the existing conditions with no spoil being generated. Climate change is playing a big part in all our lives, Spirafix is one of the building methods available to minimise the environmental impact of installing renewable energy sources such as solar carports.

Ease of Installation
Spirafix Ground Anchors can be installed and used instantly, averaging 7 minutes per anchor, which allows the deployment of solar carport foundations to be streamlined and efficient.

If this has raised your interest in a Solar Carport, then we can help! In conjunction with our partners RenEnergy, we can design and install a structure that will not only bring significant energy-saving benefits to your business, but it will also help the environment. A Solar Carport makes your company stand out and brings environmental awareness to the community, all while seeing substantial annual savings.

If your company is interested in installing a solar carport and realising the benefits listed above, contact us on or +44 (0)1633 890910, to get started today.

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